Over 100 Praxis tests are available for at-home testing.
Praxis Core Tests
- Core Academic Skills for Educators: Combined Test (Reading, Writing and Mathematics) (5752)
- Core Academic Skills for Educators: Mathematics (5733)
- Core Academic Skills for Educators: Reading (5713)
- Core Academic Skills for Educators: Writing (5723)
Praxis Subject Tests
- Agriculture (5701)
- Algebra I (5162)
- Art: Content and Analysis (5135)
- Art: Content Knowledge (5134)
- Audiology (5343)
- Biology (5236)
- Business Education (5101)
- Chemistry (5246)
- Citizenship Education: Content Knowledge (5087)
- Communication and Literacy: Reading (5714)
- Communication and Literacy: Writing (5724)
- Computer Science (5652)
- Early Childhood Assessment (5026) combined test that includes the two following subtests:
- Early Childhood Assessment: Reading and Language Arts & Social Studies subtest (5027)
- Early Childhood Assessment: Mathematics and Science subtest (5028)
- Early Childhood Education (5025)
- Earth and Space Sciences (5572)
- Earth and Space Sciences: Content Knowledge (5571)
- Economics (5911)
- Education of Young Children (5024)
- Educational Leadership: Administration and Supervision (ELAS) (5412)
- Elementary Education Assessment (5006) combined test that includes the two following subtests:
- Elementary Education: Reading and Language Arts & Social Studies subtest (5007)
- Elementary Education: Mathematics and Science subtest (5008)
- Elementary Education: Multiple Subjects (7001) combined test that includes the four following subtests:
- Elementary Education: Teaching Reading (7002)
- Elementary Education: Mathematics (7003)
- Elementary Education: Social Studies (7004)
- Elementary Education: Science (7005)
- Elementary Education: Content Knowledge (5018)
- Elementary Education: Content Knowledge for Teaching (7811) combined test that includes the four following subtests:
- Elementary Education: Reading and Language Arts—CKT (7812)
- Elementary Education: Mathematics—CKT (7813)
- Elementary Education: Science—CKT (7814)
- Elementary Education: Social Studies—CKT (7815)
- Elementary Education: Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment (5017)
- Elementary Education: Math Specialist (5037)
- Elementary Education: Multiple Subjects (5001) combined test that includes the four following subtests:
- Elementary Education: Multiple Subjects: Reading and Language Arts subtest (5002)
- Elementary Education: Multiple Subjects: Mathematics subtest (5003)
- Elementary Education: Multiple Subjects: Social Studies subtest (5004)
- Elementary Education: Multiple Subjects: Science subtest (5005)
- Elementary Education: Three Subject Bundle—Mathematics, Social Studies and Science (5901) combined test that includes the three following subtests:
- Elementary Education: Three Subject Bundle—Mathematics (5903)
- Elementary Education: Three Subject Bundle—Social Studies (5904)
- Elementary Education: Three Subject Bundle—Science (5905)
- English Language Arts: Content and Analysis (5039)
- English Language Arts: Content Knowledge (5038)
- English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) (5362)
- Family and Consumer Sciences (5122)
- French: World Language (5174)
- Fundamental Subjects (5511)
- General Science (5436)
- Geometry (5163)
- Geography (5921)
- German: World Language (5183)
- Gifted Education (5358)
- Government/Political Science (5931)
- Health and Physical Education: Content Knowledge (5857)
- Health Education (5551)
- Health Occupations (5052)
- Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Education (5023)
- Journalism (5224)
- Latin (5601)
- Marketing Education (5561)
- Mathematics (5165)
- Middle School English Language Arts (5047)
- Middle School Mathematics (5164)
- Middle School Science (5442)
- Middle School Social Studies (5089)
- Music: Content and Instruction (5114)
- Music: Content Knowledge (5113)
- Music: Instrumental and General Knowledge (5115)
- Music: Vocal and General Knowledge (5116)
- Pennsylvania Grades 4–8 Core Assessment: English, Language Arts and Social Studies, Mathematics and Science (5152) combined test that includes the three following subtests:
- Pennsylvania Grades 4–8 Core Assessment: Pedagogy subtest (5153)
- Pennsylvania Grades 4–8 Core Assessment: English Language Arts and Social Studies subtest (5154)
- Pennsylvania Grades 4–8 Core Assessment: Mathematics and Science subtest (5155)
- Pennsylvania Grades 4–8 Subject Concentration: English Language Arts (5156)
- Pennsylvania Grades 4–8 Subject Concentration: Social Studies (5157)
- Pennsylvania Grades 4–8 Subject Concentration: Mathematics (5158)
- Pennsylvania Grades 4–8 Subject Concentration: Science (5159)
- Physical Education: Content and Design (5095)
- Physical Education: Content Knowledge (5091)
- Physical Science (5485)
- Physics (5266)
- Pre-Kindergarten Education (5531)
- Principles of Learning and Teaching: Early Childhood (5621)
- Principles of Learning and Teaching: Grades K–6 (5622)
- Principles of Learning and Teaching: Grades 5–9 (5623)
- Principles of Learning and Teaching: Grades 7–12 (5624)
- Principles of Learning and Teaching: PreK–12 (5625)
- Psychology (5391)
- Reading Specialist (5302)
- School Counselor (5422)
- School Librarian (5312)
- School Psychologist (5403)
- (Social Studies: Content and Interpretation (5086)
- Social Studies: Content Knowledge (5081)
- Sociology (5952)
- Spanish: World Language (5195)
- Special Education: Core Knowledge and Applications (5354)
- Special Education: Core Knowledge and Mild to Moderate Applications (5543)
- Special Education: Core Knowledge and Severe to Profound Applications (5545)
- Special Education: Early Childhood/Early Intervention (5692)
- Special Education: Education of Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students (5272)
- Special Education: Foundational Knowledge (5355)
- Special Education: Severe to Profound (5547)
- Special Education: Teaching Speech to Students with Language Impairments (5881)
- Special Education: Teaching Students with Behavioral Disorders/Emotional Disturbances (5372)
- Special Education: Teaching Students with Intellectual Disabilities (5322)
- Special Education: Teaching Students with Learning Disabilities (5383)
- Special Education: Teaching Students with Visual Impairments (5282)
- Speech Communication Content Knowledge (5221)
- Speech-Language Pathology (5331)
- STEM for the Elementary Grades (5036)
- Teaching Reading: Elementary (5205)
- Teaching Reading: K–12 (5206)
- Technology Education (5051)
- Theatre (5641)
- World and U.S. History: Content Knowledge (5941)
- World Languages Pedagogy (5841)
Testing rules
- Follow all of the following rules. Otherwise, your test can be canceled, and your fee won't be refunded.
- Don't use any unauthorized materials, including mobile devices, prewritten notes, or textbooks.
- Personal recording devices of any kind are strictly prohibited.
- You must disable any screen-sharing or remote-access software (such as Zoom, Skype®, TeamViewer®, Microsoft Teams®, Apple Remote Desktop™, Grammarly and Spell check) prior to the test. It must remain disabled throughout the test. Make sure that the software will not open automatically during the test.
- Don't communicate with anyone else except the proctor, including during scheduled and unscheduled breaks.
- There may be references to using a headset during your test. Ignore them; headsets are NOT allowed in the tests at home.
- ETS is monitoring reuse of devices and testing locations for unauthorized purposes. Frequent, inappropriate reuse of shared testing devices and common testing locations may result in score delay and/or score cancellation and could impact your eligibility to take future ETS exams.
Unscheduled breaks
- Most tests don't offer a scheduled break. However, you have the option to take a short, unscheduled break. If you choose to take an unscheduled break, your test clock will NOT stop. Because timing will not stop for this break, it is recommended that you return from the break as quickly as possible.
- If you are taking any of the following tests, you can take a short, unscheduled restroom break after the conclusion of one test, but before completing review of the General Directions for the next test. Your test clock won't start until you return and complete the General Directions.
- Praxis® Core Academic Skills for Educators combined test (5752)
- Elementary Education: Multiple Subjects test (5001)
- Elementary Education: Content Knowledge for Teaching (7811)
- Elementary Education: Three Subject Bundle—Mathematics, Social Studies and Science (5901)
- Pennsylvania Grades 4–8 Core Assessment (5152)
- Elementary Education: Multiple Subjects (7001)
- Early Childhood Assessment (5026)
- Elementary Education Assessment (5006)
Canceling your scores
- If you think you didn't perform to your potential, you will have the option to cancel your scores at the end of your test but before viewing your unofficial score.
More information
- Review the Praxis® Tests Information Bulletin to learn about ID requirements, unscheduled breaks, score cancellations, and the test-dismissal process.
- For additional information, test-day support, and technical troubleshooting, check your confirmation email, or login to your Praxis account.
- After registering and before test day, you will need to run a final equipment check which is provided as a link in your confirmation email. All issues must be resolved before your appointment time.
- Close all browsers and applications not needed for the test. Doing so can help prevent bandwidth issues while you test.
- Make sure any other devices in your home that use the internet aren’t running.
- Gather the materials you'll need for your test session. These include a) passport or other acceptable ID; b) acceptable note-taking materials, such as a whiteboard or plastic transparency sheet, that can be erased in view of the proctor; and c) a cellphone or hand-held mirror for check-in. All other materials are prohibited.
- Make sure your testing area meets all environmental requirements, including a) your room is quiet and well lit; and b) your table and surrounding area are clear.
- Make sure you’re dressed appropriately, with your ears and face always visible to the proctor.
- Avoid wearing any jewelry or other accessories.
- Face masks may not be worn during check-in or any part of the at-home testing session.
- If you are taking the Art: Content and Analysis test, upload four digital images of your artwork to your Praxis account no later than three days before test day by 11:59 PM U.S. Eastern Time. For more information about the requirements for these images, please review the Study Companion (PDF).
- Print a copy of each of the four images from your Praxis account. Be prepared to show your proctor the printouts during check-in.
- The image ID number that appears on the printouts is a critical part of the art-making responses. You'll need to enter this image ID as the first line of your response when taking the test.
Chapter 1 - Introduction
Introduction to Praxis At-Home Testing – Overview of the process.
Chapter 2 - Pre-Test Procedures
Setting Up Your Test Environment – How to create a distraction-free space.
Chapter 3 - ETS Secure Browser
Downloading & Installing ETS Secure Browser & Systems Check
Chapter 4 - Testing Guidelines
Rules & Regulations During the Test – Key do’s and don’ts.
Chapter 5 - Connecting with Proctor
Connecting with Your Proctor & Check-In Process – What to expect during check-in.
Chapter 6 - Unscheduled Breaks
Taking Breaks & Managing Time – Guidelines for scheduled and unscheduled breaks.
Chapter 7 - After the Test session
Viewing Scores & Next Steps – How to access your results and what comes next.
Chapter 8 - Need any help??
Reach out to the customer support in case of any test day related issues.