Praxis Bridge
Closing the gap between potential and performance

What is Praxis Bridge?
Praxis Bridge is an innovative solution that closes the gap between potential and performance, supporting near-miss candidates through a personalized, data-driven approach. By offering a flexible alternative to retaking a full test, candidates can accelerate their path to certification without compromising the content knowledge skills essential for classroom success.
Strategic Benefits for State Agencies
Data-Driven Approach
- Precise identification of content knowledge gaps
- Targeted professional learning modules
- Systematic approach to addressing candidate skill deficiencies
Teacher Pipeline Enhancement
- Alternate path that maintains educational integrity
- Reduced time to classroom placement
- Structured, supportive path to classroom readiness
Implementation Advantages
- Turn-key program integration
- Seamless reporting mechanisms
- Aligned with existing certification frameworks
How Praxis Bridge works
Praxis Bridge is currently available for Elementary Education: Multiple Subjects (5001/5901/7001*) test takers that scored within 1 SEM of their state’s passing score. It provides eligible test takers with a personalized learning journey tailored to their specific content knowledge needs. Each 45-minute module allows test-takers to learn at their own pace, focusing on the exact areas where they need the most support.
Candidates can complete the module at their convenience within a six-month window, with unlimited opportunities to demonstrate their understanding through knowledge checks. Upon successful completion of the module, candidates receive a Certificate of Completion and an updated Praxis score report marked "Alt. Passed" for their subject-area test.
Additional Resources
Praxis Bridge Informational Flyer
Praxis Bridge Frequently Asked Questions
Get Started
Praxis Bridge adoption is similar to adopting a Praxis test. Contact your Director of Educational Partnerships to get started.
*Teaching Reading (7002) subtest is not yet available for Praxis Bridge.