Fairness and Validity Guidelines
As part of our mission to help advance educational quality and equity by providing fair and valid assessments, we put our test questions through a rigorous review process.

Ensuring equitable assessments
We at ETS use Fairness Review Guidelines in test development to minimize bias and other characteristics that might hinder some test takers from performing at levels that allow appropriate inferences about their relevant knowledge and skills.
- ETS Standards for Quality & Fairness (PDF) help ETS design, develop and deliver technically sound, fair and useful products and services.
- Constructed-Response and Other Performance Assessments (PDF) present guidelines to assist ETS test-development staff when accumulating validity evidence for performance assessments.
- A DIF Primer (PDF) explains what Differential Item Functioning is as well as how ETS uses it to help ensure test fairness.
Additional information
Learn more about the Praxis tests and how ETS ensures that all of its tests are fair, valid, and reliable.
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