Brainscape: Mobile Flashcards for Praxis Prep

6-month access to all Praxis flashcards — Save 58% off retail prices
of Brainscape users improve their test scores*
experience an increase in their motivation to study*
* From a survey of users who used Brainscape for a class or professional certification

What you get...

Expert-made flashcards

Content aligned with official ETS outlines

Proven study method

Spaced repetition system backed by decades of research

Web and mobile access

Your progress remains synced between different platforms

Detailed metrics

Data helps you build study habits, attack weaknesses, and compete with others

Flexible authoring tools

Make your own flashcards for you and your future students

About Brainscape

Boost your Praxis exam scores with Brainscape-certified flashcards. Created by educators and backed by proven cognitive science, these digital flashcards help to ensure an efficient, painless study experience.

With over 500 cards per test, Brainscape has developed comprehensive flashcards for a growing number of Praxis exams:

  • Elementary Education: Social Studies (5004) - purchase today!
  • Elementary Education: Science (5005) - coming soon!
  • Biology (5236) - coming soon!
  • Social Studies: Content Knowledge (5081) - coming soon!

You will have access to the library of Praxis test flashcards for 6 months.

What teachers are saying...

Brainscape: Mobile Flashcards for Praxis Prep
