Tests Required by Wisconsin

Important Notice
You should consult with the educator preparation program you are attending to determine if taking any of the standardized tests listed below is required for program admission or completion.
Find your certification area below to determine which test(s) you need to take. For test preparation materials, select the “View test details” link. If you are ready to register, you may add up to 4 tests to your cart before continuing on to scheduling.
Tests required for specific licensure areas
Tests approved for educators adding a middle and high school license based on a content test
Prior to taking any test, teachers seeking an additional license via the content test pathway should review the Additional Subject Area Certification section of the Educator Licensing website or contact the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction to determine eligibility.
See also links to other Praxis web pages and resources

For more information about educator requirements in Wisconsin:
- Wisconsin: Certification website
Other Programs used in Wisconsin