Overview of Texas Testing Requirements
- For initial teacher certification in Texas, review the Texas Education Agency (TEA) website.
- If you have taken one or more of the Praxis Subject Assessments and are certified in a state other than Texas, you must have your credentials reviewed by the TEA.
- To have your credentials reviewed, note the instructions on the TEA website. To send any required Praxis scores to the TEA for credential review, use score recipient code 8325.
- For details on additional routes to certification, check out the TEA website.
To be certified as a principal in Texas, you must take the ETSยฎ Performance Assessment for School Leaders (PASL).
- ๏ปฟThis assessment measures your application of the knowledge and skills identified as relevant and important for beginning instructional leaders.
- For more information, review the Principal Certification Requirements.
Individuals who hold a bachelor's degree or higher from an accredited college or university, or who are scheduled to receive a bachelor's degree before being placed in a classroom, are allowed to take a content test for purposes of admission into the following types of educator preparation programs:
- alternative certification programs
- university alternative certification programs
- university post-baccalaureate programs (without content courses)
Learn more about eligible test-takers, Praxis tests that may be accepted, passing scores, and other important registration information to ensure proper score reporting.
The ETSยฎ Performance Assessment for School Leaders (PASL) provides a solution, developed by educators for educators, for measuring a school-leader candidate's application of knowledge and skills that have been identified as relevant and important for beginning instructional leaders. The assessment is aligned with the Professional Standards for Educational Leaders (PSEL) (PDF).
The PASL assessment consists of three tasks requiring written commentary and submission of required documents called artifacts. A video of the candidate facilitating a collaborative team during their internship experience is required as one of the components for Task 3.
See also links to other Praxis web pages and resources

For more information about educator requirements in Texas:
- Texas: Certification website
Other Programs used in Texas