Overview of Rhode Island Testing Requirements
For initial certification in Rhode Island, all candidates must:
- Earn a baccalaureate degree from an accredited and approved institution of higher education or an approved educator preparation program.
- Complete an approved educator preparation program within the previous 5 years from the date of application or submit a transcript for analysis.
- Submit official college transcripts and other required documentation.
- Pass the Praxis tests for their certification area.
- Document prior teacher service if required.
- Follow certification application procedures.
- Please refer to the Educator Certification Procedures for comprehensive certification requirements in Rhode Island according to certificate type.
- Except for Career and Technical Education applicants, individuals applying for a teacher certificate in Rhode Island must pass the Praxis tests.
- Locate the appropriate Praxis Subject Assessments for each area of certification you seek. Test results must accompany your application.
- Out-of-state applicants must document preparation or experience through an interstate certification compact.
- Graduates of approved educator preparation programs from another member state who have graduated within the past 5 years must submit a copy of their current, valid certificate and a prior service statement.
- Graduates of these approved programs must also meet Rhode Island certification test requirements to attain initial certification in Rhode Island.
- Currently certified educators from other states may also seek Rhode Island certification through reciprocity. The reciprocity process provides certification in Rhode Island to applicants who hold a valid and comparable certificate from another member state of the interstate compact. Applicants must also meet specific degree requirements for certification and must meet Rhode Island certification test requirements for initial certification.
To become a teacher in Rhode Island through an alternative route, candidates must apply to a Rhode Island approved alternate route program:
See also links to other Praxis web pages and resources

For more information about educator requirements in Rhode Island:
- Rhode Island: Certification website
Other Programs used in Rhode Island